Cannabis for Creativity: Using Weed to Tap Into Flow State

Have you ever entered a state of focus where productivity kicks in, creativity soars, and time becomes an afterthought? That’s the magic of the flow state — a cognitive state of complete immersion, focus, and creative engagement.  When you tap into the flow state, you experience a deep concentration that lets you perform at your […]

4 Ways To Support PTSD Awareness Month

While post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was once thought to affect only veterans, experts now recognize that anyone who has experienced a traumatic event is at risk for developing PTSD.  The effects of PTSD are far-reaching. It can disrupt daily life, manifesting in flashbacks, nightmares, and intrusive thoughts. Unfortunately, due to stigma and inaccessibility, only half of veterans […]

It’s Men’s Health Month, So Here Are 5 Ways to Celebrate It

Did you know that the average man in the United States dies five years earlier than their female counterpart? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men die at higher rates from the three leading causes of death — heart disease, cancer, and unintentional injuries.  June is Men’s Health Month, a time dedicated to raising […]

5 Best Weed Strains for Anxiety

Feelings of anxiety are a normal response to stressors in your life. But when the symptoms of anxiety become so overwhelming that they start to impact your day-to-day life, it can become a more pressing concern.   While conventional treatments like therapy and medication can help many people with anxiety, others are turning to alternative […]

How to Use Cannabis for Restless Leg Syndrome

Have you ever felt an unexplained sensation in your legs that makes it hard to fall asleep? If so you may be one of the 10% of people in the U.S. affected by Restless Leg Syndrome, or RLS.  This nerve condition is characterized by an unpleasant or painful feeling in the legs that worsens at night. […]

Working Out With Weed: Yay or Nay?

The relaxing and sedating effects of many cannabis strains can make it fun to lay back on the couch and enjoy the munchies. But some cannabis users are turning to an unlikely activity to get the most out of their high: Exercise.  It may seem like an unlikely pairing, but cannabis could be the key […]

Weed Wellness: Products & Tips To Know

Weed Wellness: Products & Tips To Know

As more and more states embrace cannabis legalization, the market is opening up to a new audience: wellness seekers.  The concept of “weed wellness” is more than just an emerging trend. It’s a movement that explores all the therapeutic properties of the cannabis plant and how you can harness them to improve your holistic health.  […]

Weed and Mindfulness: How to Use Cannabis in Mindful Living

Weed and Mindfulness: How to Use Cannabis in Mindful Living

Mindfulness isn’t something you do only through meditation. It’s a skill you need to practice every day, moment to moment.  What is mindfulness? Mindful living prioritizes awareness and intentionality. It’s a way of being present in each moment, slowing down, and paying attention to everything happening around you. By being intentional and making conscious choices […]

Hemp vs Weed vs CBD: The Quick Guide

Hemp vs Weed vs CBD: The Quick Guide

As marijuana becomes more widely accepted, you’re probably hearing a lot about weed. But what about other forms of the cannabis plant, like hemp and CBD?  Hemp, marijuana, and CBD all come from the same place — the cannabis plant. While these three are related, there are still key differences between them, especially when it […]

Your T-Break Guide: The What, Why & How

Your T-Break Guide: The What, Why & How

People enjoy cannabis for many different reasons. For some, it’s a great way to relax and unwind at the end of the day. For others, it’s part of their overall health and wellness routine, helping them to manage pain, anxiety, or other concerns. However, as with many things in life, a little break can be […]


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