Have you ever felt an unexplained sensation in your legs that makes it hard to fall asleep? If so you may be one of the 10% of people in the U.S. affected by Restless Leg Syndrome, or RLS.
This nerve condition is characterized by an unpleasant or painful feeling in the legs that worsens at night. It can lead to an overwhelming urge to move your legs, even when trying to sleep.
While the cause of RLS is unclear — and there’s no known cure — there are still ways to manage this condition. As the potential health benefits of cannabis are explored more and more, is it possible that cannabis can provide relief from the worst symptoms of RLS?
Let’s explore everything you need to know about this condition, including the effects of cannabis on restless leg syndrome symptoms.
What is Restless Leg Syndrome?
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) causes unpleasant sensations in the legs, which can include itching, crawling, aching, burning, or other strange and unwanted feelings. The urge to move your legs is more intense when relaxed or trying to sleep.
Getting up and stretching can ease the symptoms temporarily, but it returns when sitting or lying down. This can completely disrupt your sleep, leading to fatigue that affects your daily life. In fact, RLS can lead to a 20% decrease in productivity from sleep disruptions alone.
It can also put you at risk for more serious health conditions, including:
- Heart diseaseÂ
- StrokeÂ
- DiabetesÂ
- Kidney diseaseÂ
- Depression
The exact cause of RLS is still unclear. However, early research shows that it may be related to a neurological dysfunction in the part of the brain that controls movement. Chemical compounds like iron and dopamine may also play a role.
Cannabis for RLS Relief: What the Science Shows
There may be no cure for RLS, but lifestyle interventions, medications, and alternative treatments can be applied to help manage symptoms and sleep more peacefully. Marijuana can be used alongside other treatment options to relax the body, improve sleep, and reduce pain in the legs.
While more research is needed in this area, early studies show that marijuana can provide meaningful comfort and relief from symptoms of RLS.
A 2020 study found that 11 out of 12 participants reported relief from RLS symptoms after smoking cannabis or using CBD oil alongside their current treatments. A 2017 study explored the effects of medical cannabis on patients who reported no results from traditional treatments and medications. These patients then reported total remission of their RLS symptoms following medical marijuana treatment.
Exploring the World of Cannabis Wellness
Restless leg syndrome is more than just uncomfortable. If it’s left untreated, this painful disorder can completely disrupt your life. The hours-long discomfort can make it unbearable to get through the night, while the sleep deprivation can make it just as challenging to get through the day.
If traditional medications aren’t giving you the complete relief you’re looking for, weed for restless legs could be the alternative treatment you need. As a complement to other treatment options, cannabis has proven to relieve — if not eliminate — the worst of RLS symptoms.
Ready to tap into the healing potential of cannabis? At Far & Dotter, we put wellness first in our products, from topical balms to oral tinctures. Explore our full dispensary menu to find the perfect products for your wellness goals, or visit us in person to get a recommendation for your needs.