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Clinical Director: Nina Fergus, Pharm.D, RPh.

Nina Fergus, Pharm. D, Rph. Clinical Director at Far & Dotter

Nina Fergus is a Doctor of Pharmacy and registered pharmacist in the state of Maryland and serves as our Clinical Director here at Far & Dotter. Nina’s mission is to provide education and product guidance to patients who seek to use cannabis to enhance their wellness.

Nina is a Maryland native, and she attended the University of Maryland Baltimore County for her pre-pharmacy curriculum and obtained her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical College of Virginia, School of Pharmacy. She is currently seeking a Masters in Cannabis Science & Therapeutics degree at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.

With her knowledge base in cannabis medicine, traditional medicine and 18 with years experience as a pharmacist and pharmacy manager for a large local chain, Nina is able to offer cannabis guidance while evaluating a patients complete medication profile including prescription medications, over the counter medications, vitamins and supplements. Nina is skilled in medication therapy management, drug interactions, cannabis knowledge, vaccinations and disease state education.



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