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We’re A Health-Centered, Expert-Led Cannabis Dispensary And Holistic Pharmacy

F&D provides personalized care and cannabis education alongside an elevated service experience and high-quality product selection.

Our Values & Beliefs

We know humans are capable of great things when we feel like our best selves. We believe cannabis and plant-based medicine can transform the world and help everyone find wellness. That’s why we are committed to: 

Our Mission

To serve our guests, franchisees, team members and communities with the best cannabis experience, expertise, education, and enthusiasm.

Far & Dotter is part of the Curio Wellness family of brands. Curio Wellness is a GMP-certified cannabis cultivator and manufacturer of safe, effective and reliable products that’s currently operating in Maryland and Missouri.



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We help people declutter, decipher, and demystify a changing cannabis landscape.

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