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Brand: Suite 1620

Suite 1620 – Gelonade Pre-Packaged

THC: 28.9% - 29.6%

MMCEU - 1 unit

THC - 28.9%

Terpenes - 1.83%

Genetic Lineage: Lemon Tree x Gelato

Dominant Terpenes: Limonene, Caryophyllene, Humulene

Gelonade is an invigorating hybrid strain that combines the sweet, citrusy genetics of Lemon Tree with the creamy, dessert-like profile of Gelato. It produces bright green, frosty buds with vibrant orange hairs that are visually striking. The aroma is sweet and citrusy, with berry and creamy undertones that create a tantalizing fragrance. The flavor is just as enjoyable, delivering a tangy citrus burst followed by creamy, berry sweetness. Gelonade offers an uplifting, euphoric high that boosts mood and energy levels. It’s ideal for social situations or creative pursuits as it provides a burst of mental clarity and focus. In addition to its mood-boosting effects, Gelonade is effective at relieving stress, anxiety, and fatigue. It’s a fantastic strain for those seeking a mental pick-me-up, as it improves mental clarity and reduces feelings of worry or overwhelm. Medicinally, Gelonade can help alleviate depression, anxiety, and fatigue while enhancing creativity and focus. Its balanced effects make it suitable for daytime use, especially when a burst of energy and positivity is needed to tackle tasks.

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Far & Dotter (Olive Branch)
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CBD (Cannabidiol) 0.07%
CBD (Cannabidiol)-0.07%
CBDA (Cannabidiolic acid) 0.08%
CBDA (Cannabidiolic acid)-0.08%
THCA (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) 29.64%
THCA (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid)-29.64%

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