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Brand: &Shine

&Shine | Blue Raspberry Vape Cartridge | 1g

SativaTHC: 82.66%Terps: 3.26%

Cannabis vaporizers are a great way to consume discreetly and consistently. Vape cartridges contain concentrated cannabis oil that is heated by a battery and vaporized for inhalation. These products are very potent and are designed to be consumed in 2-3 second puffs.

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Dominant Terpenes

Limonene1.96%Beta Myrcene1.28%Alpha Pinene0.02%

Limonene is found in citrus rinds and is the second most commonly occurring terpene in nature. This terpene has been used in high dosages as a catalyst in topical products to allow other chemical compounds to pass through the skin for absorption in the blood.

Potential Health Benefits
Cancer FightingAnti-anxietyAnti-depressionStress ReliefBrain FunctionGastrointestinalAnti-inflammatory
Beta Myrcene

beta-Myrcene a.k.a. Myrcene is one of the most common terpenes found in cannabis. Myrcene is known to increase the effects of the psychoactive properties of THC and enhance the health benefits found in CBD. Commonly found in parsley, mangoes & hops, Myrcene is a good option for those looking to add a little relaxation to their overall experience.

Potential Health Benefits
Anti-inflammatoryCancer FightingPain Relief
Alpha Pinene

A commonly found terpene in cannabis, Alpha-pinene lends it's name to it's easily recognized signature scent, that of pine trees. Alpha-pinene is already being used in plants to limit the growth of undesired bacteria as it is the most commonly found terpene in nature. Many users report a boost of energy or brain function when consuming a cannabis product high in Alpha-pinene.

Potential Health Benefits
Anti-inflammatoryBrain FunctionRespiratory FunctionCancer FightingPain ReliefAnti-anxiety


View Product Testing Data
Alpha Pinene 0.02%
Alpha Pinene 0.02%



Potential Health Benefits

Anti-inflammatoryBrain FunctionRespiratory FunctionCancer FightingPain ReliefAnti-anxiety
Beta Myrcene 1.28%
Beta Myrcene 1.28%



Potential Health Benefits

Anti-inflammatoryCancer FightingPain Relief
Limonene 1.96%
Limonene 1.96%



Potential Health Benefits

Cancer FightingAnti-anxietyAnti-depressionStress ReliefBrain FunctionGastrointestinalAnti-inflammatory
CBC (Cannabichromene) 0.93%
CBC (Cannabichromene)-0.93%
CBG (Cannabigerol) 0.32%
CBG (Cannabigerol)-0.32%
CBN (Cannabinol) 4.08%
CBN (Cannabinol)-4.08%

About the brand :

&Shine is all about good cannabis that sparks good times—for anybody, in pretty much any situation. Whether the mood you’re looking for is “let’s goooo,” “all gooood,” or “down for whatever,” we’ve got something to match in our shining selection. (See what we did there?) Just find the vibe you want &Shine on.

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