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Brand: Modern Flower

Modern Flower | Fruit Cake Pre-Packaged | 3.5g

THC: 0.59%Terps: 1.11%

Dried cannabis flower is primarily ingested via inhalation. Activation time is roughly about 5 minutes and can last up to a few hours.

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Dominant Terpenes

Beta Myrcene0.91%Linalool0.2%
Beta Myrcene

beta-Myrcene a.k.a. Myrcene is one of the most common terpenes found in cannabis. Myrcene is known to increase the effects of the psychoactive properties of THC and enhance the health benefits found in CBD. Commonly found in parsley, mangoes & hops, Myrcene is a good option for those looking to add a little relaxation to their overall experience.

Potential Health Benefits
Anti-inflammatoryCancer FightingPain Relief

Linalool is a multi-use terpene that carries a strong calming effect as well as an ability to act as an anticonvulsant in epileptic patients. Found in the plants rosewood, coriander, & lavender, Linalool is a popular terpene commonly present in over 200 species of plants across the world. Linalool is a good addition to your terpene selection when looking for a little R & R.

Potential Health Benefits
Anti-anxietyAnti-inflammatorySedativePain ReliefStress ReliefSleep aidCancer Fighting

Potential Health Benefits
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Beta Myrcene 0.91%
Beta Myrcene 0.91%



Potential Health Benefits

Anti-inflammatoryCancer FightingPain Relief
Linalool 0.2%
Linalool 0.2%





Potential Health Benefits

Anti-anxietyAnti-inflammatorySedativePain ReliefStress ReliefSleep aidCancer Fighting
CBG (Cannabigerol) 0.11%
CBG (Cannabigerol)-0.11%
CBGA (Cannabigerolic acid) 0.36%
CBGA (Cannabigerolic acid)-0.36%
THCA (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) 0.59%
THCA (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid)-0.59%

About the brand :
Modern Flower

Modern Flower™ offers consumers access into the current state of cannabis. Flower grown locally, for specific effects and everyday-use in mind is combined with high tech facilities and a pursuit for innovation. Enjoy your favorite options in a new and modern light!

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