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Brand: Keen Cannabis

Keen – Killer Queen Pre-Packaged

THC: 28.3%

MMCEU - 1 unit

Strain Type : Indica-Hybrid

Genetic Lineage : Airborne G13 x Cinderella 99

THC - 28.3%

Total Terpenes - 1.85%

Killer Queen is an Indica-dominant cannabis strain renowned for its potent effects and notable lineage, a cross between Airborne G13 and Cinderella 99. Despite its Indica dominance, Killer Queen surprises with predominantly sativa-like effects. It typically produces dense, resinous buds adorned with vibrant colors ranging from deep greens to hints of purple, complemented by orange pistils.

This strain is celebrated for delivering a euphoric and uplifting experience that sparks creativity and enhances energy levels, making it suitable for daytime use or social engagements. Users often report feelings of happiness, heightened focus, and a subtle body relaxation that doesn't induce sedation. Its aroma is a delightful blend of tropical fruitiness with hints of citrus and earthiness, contributing to its vibrant and stimulating effects.

Medicinally, Killer Queen is prized for its ability to alleviate symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety without causing overwhelming sedation, offering relief while maintaining mental clarity. Its sativa-like qualities also make it beneficial for combating fatigue and enhancing mood and creativity.

Overall, Killer Queen stands out for its robust Indica genetics paired with stimulating sativa effects, making it a versatile choice for both enjoyment and therapeutic use.

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Far & Dotter (Olive Branch)
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View Product Testing Data
CBD (Cannabidiol) 0.08%
CBD (Cannabidiol)-0.08%
CBDA (Cannabidiolic acid) 0.09%
CBDA (Cannabidiolic acid)-0.09%
THCA (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) 27.93%
THCA (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid)-27.93%

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