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Borneo – Triangle Queen Pre-Packaged Mylar-active
Borneo – Triangle Queen Pre-Packaged Mylar-1
Brand: Borneo

Borneo – Triangle Queen Pre-Packaged Mylar

THC: 22%

MMCEU - 2 units

Strain Type : Indica-Hybrid

THC - 22%

Terpenes - 1.79%

Triangle Queen is a cannabis strain known for its balanced effects, making it a favorite among medicinal users. Likely descended from the renowned Triangle Kush, this strain offers a unique combination of mental and physical benefits. The buds are typically dense and frosty, with a vibrant appearance that includes green and sometimes purple hues. Its aroma and flavor profile are complex, featuring earthy and piney notes with hints of citrus and spice, owing to its rich terpene content.

The effects of Triangle Queen are celebrated for their equilibrium, providing a blend of mental and physical experiences. It promotes mental stimulation, enhancing creativity, euphoria, and focus, which makes it suitable for activities requiring concentration and social interactions. At the same time, it delivers a relaxing physical sensation that helps ease stress and tension without causing excessive sedation. This balance makes Triangle Queen versatile for both daytime and evening use.

Medicinally, Triangle Queen is highly valued for its potential benefits. It is often used to manage chronic pain, thanks to its ability to relax muscles and reduce discomfort while keeping users functional. Its uplifting and calming effects can also be beneficial for those dealing with anxiety and depression, helping to improve mood and reduce symptoms of stress. Additionally, the strain's soothing properties can provide relief for individuals suffering from stress-related conditions, promoting a sense of well-being and relaxation.

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View Product Testing Data
CBD (Cannabidiol) 0.08%
CBD (Cannabidiol)-0.08%
CBDA (Cannabidiolic acid) 0.09%
CBDA (Cannabidiolic acid)-0.09%
THCA (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) 19.75%
THCA (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid)-19.75%

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